We offer a wide array of wood types and stain options for your project. Every type of wood has unique characteristics. Below is a small sample of different types of wood and stain choices that we currently offer. For specific questions about wood types, please contact us directly.
Price $$$$$
Great option for a durable hardwood with beautiful wood grain. Available in 1" and 2" thicknesses. Takes stain easily and consistently.
Ash Grey |
Black |
Charcoal |
Intense Grey |
Gris Beige |
Chocolate |
Castle Brown |
Walnut |
Dark Oak |
Provincial |
Pure |
Super White |
Odie's Oil |
Odie's Dark |
Cotton White |
Citrine |
White Oak (Flat sawn, quartersawn, riftsawn)
Price $$$$$
Well known American wood. A valuable timber species used in many furniture and industrial applications. "White Oak" is a term used to describe 7 different oak species. White oak colors can vary greatly, from a very light straw color to a brown color. White oak is a porous wood that takes stain very well. Depending on how it is cut, the wood grain can look drastically different.
Antique Bronze Aqua Ash Grey
Biscuit Black Bourbon
Castle Brown Charcoal Cherry Coral
Cherry Chocolate Cinnamon Brown
Citrine Cornsilk Cotton White
Dark Oak Emerald Gris Belge
Havanna Ice Brown Mahogany
Midnight Indigo Mist 5% Mist
Morning Mist
Price $$$$$
Known for its knotty and inconsistent wood grain. On the soft side, but can be hardened up with the right topcoat. Good for many uses including wall hangings, table bases, etc. One of the most extensively used types of wood. We typically use Eastern or Western White Pine. Available in 1", 1.5", and 2" thickness.
Price $$$$$
Widely regarded as the most beautiful hardwood available. Dark brown natural color and light sapwood. Medium hardness. Most expensive. Available in 1" and 2" thickness. We typically do not recommend stains on this wood type. Natural oil finishes or spray-on topcoats are recommended.

Spalted Maple
Price $$$$$
Some of the most beautiful wood grain available. Very unique and rare. Supply is limited. On the softer side. Available in 1" thick and some 2" thick slabs.
Charcoal |
Intense Grey |
Odie's Oil |
Unfinished |
Price $$$$$
Known for its extreme hardness and rustic looking wood grain. Some light colored sapwood is usually visible. Difficult to working with and inconsistent. Available in 1" thickness.
Black |
Charcoal |
Chocolate |
Intense Grey |
Osmo White |
Dark Oak |
Oak |
Odie's Dark |
Odie's Oil |
Biscuit |
Soft Maple
Price $$$$$
Soft maple is used in many different types of furniture and cabinets. It machines well, but doesn't accept stain very easily. Although soft is used in its name, it is still quite hard. Sapwood is white and wide. The heartwood is a light brown or pink, with a grayish or greenish cast. This is considered a fine textured hardwood.
Antique Bronze Aqua Ash Grey
Biscuit Black Bourbon
Castle Brown. Charcoal Cherry Corral
Cherry Chocolate Cinnamon Brown
Cornsilk Cotton White Dark Oak
Emerald Gris Belge Havanna
Ice Brown Mahogany Midnight Indigo
Mist 5% Mist Morning Mist
Mud Light Oak Olive
Oyster Padouk Peacock
Pine Pure Sapphire
Savanna Silver Grey Sky Grey
Slate Grey Smoke 5% Smoke
Titanium Grey Touch of Gold Velvet Green
Walnut White 5% White
Sycamore (Quartersawn or Flatsawn)
Price $$$$$
Known for its beautiful and unique wood grain. Doesn't take stain well, but looks great with just oil. Flat-sawn sycamore is also available. Available in 1" thick and limited 2" thick slabs.
Black |
Charcoal |
Castle Brown |
Ash Grey |
Intense Grey |
Dark Oak |
Odie's Dark |
Odie's Oil |
Biscuit |
Osmo White |
Spalted Sycamore
Price $$$$$
We do have some of this spalted Sycamore available in 4/4 (1" thick) boards. It doesn't generally have as many black "Spalting" lines as Maple or Hackberry, but is possibly more beautiful. The wood will vary between light tan to deep orange or brown colors. Costs as much as Walnut.